Mary j ja rule rainy dayz
Mary j ja rule rainy dayz

It encourages the listener to find strength and hope during difficult times, rather than trying to wash away the rain. Overall, "Rainy Dayz" is a message of hope, resilience, and perseverance in the face of life's hardships. The refrain reminds listeners that chasing waterfalls and trying to wash away the rain are fruitless efforts, and that learning to handle the rain and finding joy in the midst of it is the key to moving forward. The song also nods to the infamous TLC song “Waterfalls” as both songs warn against chasing things that only lead to hardships and pain. The chorus encourages people to keep smiling through the rainy days, to keep trying to wash away the pain, and to have faith that the sun will shine again. Throughout the song, there is a recurring theme of smiles, which represent finding joy and hope in the face of adversity. He hopes to see the sun again and asks for strength to keep believing in the face of hardship. Ja Rule adds his perspective in the song, acknowledging that sometimes he does not mind the rain, and that it can feel like drowning in the Lord's pain. Blige sings about the crazy and sexy life we all live and how we begin to love it, despite the heartache and pain we witness around us. The lyrics describe how people try to wash away the rain and forget the pain, but the reality is that difficult times linger for a lifetime. The metaphor of rain signifies the pain and heartache associated with difficult times, while the sun represents the hope and happiness of better days to come. Ja Rule: Rainy Dayz 2002 4m IMDb RATING 5. Blige and Ja Rule is a song about facing the hardships and challenges in life, specifically during the rainy days. Ja Rule: Rainy Dayz Original title: Mary J Blige ft.

Mary j ja rule rainy dayz